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Flanged Branch 45 Degrees

Flanged Branch 45 Degrees

Flanged Branches (sometimes called “wyes” or “laterals”) are standard with Angle Flanges on both ends, the flanges are retained via a vanstone lip so that bolt holes can easily be aligned with those on existing flanged connections.

All branches are priced by the large end. See additional branch types on our Flanged Ducting products page in the branch section.

Standard 30º Optional 45º.

When ordering specify A, B, C.

A – C ≥ C – B
Use formula above to determine if a reducer is needed at C end.

Use the following formula to determine length: L = C X 2 + 15"

• Available in Galvanized and 304SS (as shown below) or optional 316SS or carbon steel
• Available with QF ends in diameters up to 24", and other various end types
• Available with 30° angle
• Optional gauges 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 and 10

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